Cleansing is nature’s way of curing disease, restoring health and prolonging life. As you know from our pets, animals of every species instinctively refuse to eat when they are sick, and the same rules apply to animals in the wilderness. Long ago, humans also shared this natural revival instinct, and even today, primitive tribes in remote regions of Africa, Asia and the Amazon still have special "cleanse houses" located on the outskirts of their villages, where the unhealthy rest quietly and comfortably, with limited food, water and colon cleansing for as long as it takes to recover their health.
We are rediscovering the profound healing powers of cleansing, and practitioners of alternative medicine are now applying it with success for conditions which all other treatments fail. Moreover, recent scientific research backed by extensive clinical studies has established conclusive proof that periodic cleansing and calorie restriction are the one and only proven way to significantly extend lifespan. In Dr Roy Walford's experiments on various species he has found evidence, presented in Beyond the 120 Year Diet, which clearly demonstrates that calorie restriction and cleansing prolongs the lifespan of all species tested by a factor of 50-80%! In human terms, that would mean a lifespan of 120-150 years as demonstrated by many Indian and Chinese sages.
Abstaining from food permits the body's innate detoxification mechanisms to function at full capacity and allows immune responses to operate in high gear. When cleansing all of the energy and enzyme power that the body must normally use to digest and process food is diverted instead to "digest disease", while the digestive system produces no new wastes in the body. Cleansing also triggers the production of human growth hormone in the pituitary gland and releases it into the bloodstream, where it circulates throughout the body to repair damaged tissues, regenerate vital functions and rejuvenate the whole system. Normally, the production of the growth hormone diminishes rapidly after humans reach adulthood, and the ever dwindling supply of this powerful regenerative hormone is one of the primary causes of ageing and the onset of chronic degenerative conditions. By stimulating secretion of human growth hormone, cleansing not only helps cure disease and repair the body, it also slows down the ageing process, restores flagging vitality and prolongs life.
For thousands of years Hindu yogis, Buddhist monks and Taoist hermits have been cleansing to enhance their vitality and extend their lifespan. A few years ago in India, an elderly meditation master set a world record by cleansing non-stop for 200 days, during which time he took nothing whatsoever but plain water. Plato, Aristotle, and other Greek philosophers whose thoughts laid the foundations of Western civilization cleansed regularly to improve their physical health and sharpen their mental powers. Pythagoras required all of his senior students to cleanse for 40 days as a means of purifying their bodies and minds prior to receiving his highest teachings. Practitioners of traditional medicine in ancient China also understood the direct link between human disease and toxic filth that accumulates in the bowels as a result of unnatural eating habits.
The Sung Dynasty physician Chang Tsung-cheng observed, "If the stomach and bowels are blocked, then blood and energy stagnate." Centuries ago the famous Chinese doctor, Chai Yu-hua, wrote "Purging the bowels eliminates the source of poison, thereby permitting blood and energy to regenerate naturally. By cleaning the bowels we repair the body."
The Bible mentions cleansing 74 times, and Jesus himself cleansed frequently, sometimes for as long as 40 days. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were unearthed, a most remarkable document written in Aramaic and dating from the 3rd century AD came to light. Translated into English in 1937 by Edmond Szekely under the title The Essene Gospel of Peace, this ancient text recounts in detail some of the most important healing work performed by Jesus among the people of Palestine, and much of it sounds very similar to what Dr Bernard Jensen writes about cleansing and colonic irrigation in his book Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management.
"Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without...Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground...and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels...Then let the water run out from your body that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things...And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body...Renew your baptizing with water every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam."
This method of cleansing and healing the body by means of colonic irrigation using a trailing gourd and warm river water was commonly practiced among the ancient Essenes, among whom Jesus may have lived and studied during his formative years, and it constitutes one of his most beneficial teachings for the welfare of humanity. The sages of the ancient world were well aware of the inseparable link between the state of the body and the state of the mind, for they knew that toxic blood and tissues form a breeding ground not only for disease and degradation of the human spirit. They knew the law that modern physicians and philosophers alike have forgotten: that whatever pollutes the body also pollutes the mind. That's why so many sacred scriptures of the ancient world prescribe fasting and detox as the first preliminary steps on the path of spiritual self-cultivation.
Today, the mutual dependence of physical and spiritual health has been largely forgotten, and few people see the causal connection between the massive pollution of the planet and the degradation of the human body, and the rampant crime, chronic violence and spiritual malaise that marks human life in contemporary times. According to the psycho-physiological prescription of the ancient sages who gave birth to Western civilization, cleaning up the planet and detoxifying the human body are the best medicine of all both for restoring peace on earth and reviving the health and spiritual integrity of humanity. It is only now, however, that scientific evidence validating the truth of this ancient teaching is beginning to emerge. In 1972, for example, the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry reported results of a clinical study in which cleansing and tissue detox were successfully used, without recourse to any drugs whatsoever, to cure over 7,000 patients suffering from a variety of serious mental disorders that neither psychiatry nor drug therapy had helped in any way. It is still practiced in Russia.
Even a cursory glance at the current state of human affairs throughout the world today reveals two indisputable facts: one is that people everywhere and in all walks of life are getting sicker and more toxic than ever before in human history; the other is that human behavior is growing more cruel and barbaric, day by day.
Cleansing and sometimes fasting is the fastest and most effective way to deal with this sort of blood and tissue toxicity and to rid the body of the toxic residues and putrefactive wastes in the colon that continuously poison the bloodstream, clog the cells and sap vitality. Until these toxins are eliminated, there's simply no way the body can repair and re-balance itself.
The choice is yours: either you flush those poisons out of your system, or else you live with the consequences of retaining them for the rest of your life. As noted in the book The Tao of Health, Sex & Longevit by Daniel Reed::
"Unless you live an ascetic life far from civilization and avoid all dietary folly, your blood and other tissues are bound to accumulate toxins and gradually lose their functional vitality. If you don't cleanse yourself of these toxins on a regular basis, toxemia gets worse and worse, until the body cannot stand it any longer and either purges itself spontaneously in the form of diarrhea, acne, pimples, boils, "liver spots", foul perspiration, body odor, bad breath and so forth, or else it simply gives up the battle and succumbs to cancer, tuberculosis and other fatal conditions."
Used by permission of a Fountain of Health Client in hope to educate others of the importance of cleansing. Thank you John
Cleansing is nature’s way of curing disease, restoring health and prolonging life. As you know from our pets, animals of every species instinctively refuse to eat when they are sick, and the same rules apply to animals in the wilderness. Long ago, humans also shared this natural revival instinct, and even today, primitive tribes in remote regions of Africa, Asia and the Amazon still have special "cleanse houses" located on the outskirts of their villages, where the unhealthy rest quietly and comfortably, with limited food, water and colon cleansing for as long as it takes to recover their health.
We are rediscovering the profound healing powers of cleansing, and practitioners of alternative medicine are now applying it with success for conditions which all other treatments fail. Moreover, recent scientific research backed by extensive clinical studies has established conclusive proof that periodic cleansing and calorie restriction are the one and only proven way to significantly extend lifespan. In Dr Roy Walford's experiments on various species he has found evidence, presented in Beyond the 120 Year Diet, which clearly demonstrates that calorie restriction and cleansing prolongs the lifespan of all species tested by a factor of 50-80%! In human terms, that would mean a lifespan of 120-150 years as demonstrated by many Indian and Chinese sages.
Abstaining from food permits the body's innate detoxification mechanisms to function at full capacity and allows immune responses to operate in high gear. When cleansing all of the energy and enzyme power that the body must normally use to digest and process food is diverted instead to "digest disease", while the digestive system produces no new wastes in the body. Cleansing also triggers the production of human growth hormone in the pituitary gland and releases it into the bloodstream, where it circulates throughout the body to repair damaged tissues, regenerate vital functions and rejuvenate the whole system. Normally, the production of the growth hormone diminishes rapidly after humans reach adulthood, and the ever dwindling supply of this powerful regenerative hormone is one of the primary causes of ageing and the onset of chronic degenerative conditions. By stimulating secretion of human growth hormone, cleansing not only helps cure disease and repair the body, it also slows down the ageing process, restores flagging vitality and prolongs life.
For thousands of years Hindu yogis, Buddhist monks and Taoist hermits have been cleansing to enhance their vitality and extend their lifespan. A few years ago in India, an elderly meditation master set a world record by cleansing non-stop for 200 days, during which time he took nothing whatsoever but plain water. Plato, Aristotle, and other Greek philosophers whose thoughts laid the foundations of Western civilization cleansed regularly to improve their physical health and sharpen their mental powers. Pythagoras required all of his senior students to cleanse for 40 days as a means of purifying their bodies and minds prior to receiving his highest teachings. Practitioners of traditional medicine in ancient China also understood the direct link between human disease and toxic filth that accumulates in the bowels as a result of unnatural eating habits.
The Sung Dynasty physician Chang Tsung-cheng observed, "If the stomach and bowels are blocked, then blood and energy stagnate." Centuries ago the famous Chinese doctor, Chai Yu-hua, wrote "Purging the bowels eliminates the source of poison, thereby permitting blood and energy to regenerate naturally. By cleaning the bowels we repair the body."
The Bible mentions cleansing 74 times, and Jesus himself cleansed frequently, sometimes for as long as 40 days. When the Dead Sea Scrolls were unearthed, a most remarkable document written in Aramaic and dating from the 3rd century AD came to light. Translated into English in 1937 by Edmond Szekely under the title The Essene Gospel of Peace, this ancient text recounts in detail some of the most important healing work performed by Jesus among the people of Palestine, and much of it sounds very similar to what Dr Bernard Jensen writes about cleansing and colonic irrigation in his book Tissue Cleansing Through Bowel Management.
"Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embrace you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without...Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground...and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, that the water may flow through all your bowels...Then let the water run out from your body that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things...And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations and uncleannesses which defiled the temple of your body...Renew your baptizing with water every day of your fast, till the day when you see that the water which flows out of you is as pure as the river's foam."
This method of cleansing and healing the body by means of colonic irrigation using a trailing gourd and warm river water was commonly practiced among the ancient Essenes, among whom Jesus may have lived and studied during his formative years, and it constitutes one of his most beneficial teachings for the welfare of humanity. The sages of the ancient world were well aware of the inseparable link between the state of the body and the state of the mind, for they knew that toxic blood and tissues form a breeding ground not only for disease and degradation of the human spirit. They knew the law that modern physicians and philosophers alike have forgotten: that whatever pollutes the body also pollutes the mind. That's why so many sacred scriptures of the ancient world prescribe fasting and detox as the first preliminary steps on the path of spiritual self-cultivation.
Today, the mutual dependence of physical and spiritual health has been largely forgotten, and few people see the causal connection between the massive pollution of the planet and the degradation of the human body, and the rampant crime, chronic violence and spiritual malaise that marks human life in contemporary times. According to the psycho-physiological prescription of the ancient sages who gave birth to Western civilization, cleaning up the planet and detoxifying the human body are the best medicine of all both for restoring peace on earth and reviving the health and spiritual integrity of humanity. It is only now, however, that scientific evidence validating the truth of this ancient teaching is beginning to emerge. In 1972, for example, the Moscow Research Institute of Psychiatry reported results of a clinical study in which cleansing and tissue detox were successfully used, without recourse to any drugs whatsoever, to cure over 7,000 patients suffering from a variety of serious mental disorders that neither psychiatry nor drug therapy had helped in any way. It is still practiced in Russia.
Even a cursory glance at the current state of human affairs throughout the world today reveals two indisputable facts: one is that people everywhere and in all walks of life are getting sicker and more toxic than ever before in human history; the other is that human behavior is growing more cruel and barbaric, day by day.
Cleansing and sometimes fasting is the fastest and most effective way to deal with this sort of blood and tissue toxicity and to rid the body of the toxic residues and putrefactive wastes in the colon that continuously poison the bloodstream, clog the cells and sap vitality. Until these toxins are eliminated, there's simply no way the body can repair and re-balance itself.
The choice is yours: either you flush those poisons out of your system, or else you live with the consequences of retaining them for the rest of your life. As noted in the book The Tao of Health, Sex & Longevit by Daniel Reed::
"Unless you live an ascetic life far from civilization and avoid all dietary folly, your blood and other tissues are bound to accumulate toxins and gradually lose their functional vitality. If you don't cleanse yourself of these toxins on a regular basis, toxemia gets worse and worse, until the body cannot stand it any longer and either purges itself spontaneously in the form of diarrhea, acne, pimples, boils, "liver spots", foul perspiration, body odor, bad breath and so forth, or else it simply gives up the battle and succumbs to cancer, tuberculosis and other fatal conditions."
Used by permission of a Fountain of Health Client in hope to educate others of the importance of cleansing. Thank you John