A stupendous insight of civilizations past has now been confirmed by
today's investigative, nutritional sciences. They have shown that what
was once called "The Doctrine of Whole Food Signatures" was astoundingly correct.
It now contends that every whole food has a pattern that resembles a
body organ or physiological function and that this pattern acts as a
signal or sign as to the benefit the food provides the eater.

Here is just a short list of examples of Whole Food Signatures.

A sliced Carrot looks like the human eye. The pupil, iris and radiating
lines look just like the human eye...and science shows that carrots
greatly enhance blood flow to and function of the eyes.

A Tomato has four chambers and is red. The heart is red and has four
chambers. All of the research shows tomatoes are indeed pure heart and
blood food.

Grapes hang in a cluster that has the shape of the heart. Each grape
looks like a blood cell and all of the research today shows that grapes
are also profound heart and blood vitalizing food.

A Walnut looks like a little brain, a left and right hemisphere, upper
cerebrums and lower cerebellums. Even the wrinkles or folds are on the
nut just like the neo-cortex. We now know that walnuts help develop
over 3 dozen neuron-transmitters for brain function.

Kidney Beans actually heal and help maintain kidney function and yes,
they look exactly like the human kidneys.

Celery, Bok Choy, Rhubarb and more look just like bones. These foods
specifically target bone strength. Bones are 23% sodium and these foods
are 23% sodium. If you don't have enough sodium in your diet the body
pulls it from the bones, making them weak. These foods replenish the
skeletal needs of the body.

Eggplant, Avocadoes and Pears target the health and function of the
womb and cervix of the female - they look just like these organs.

Today's research shows that when a woman eats 1 avocado a week, it
balances hormones, sheds unwanted birth weight and prevents cervical
cancers. And how profound is this? .... It takes exactly 9 months to
grow an avocado from blossom to ripened fruit. There are over 14,000
photolytic chemical constituents of nutrition in each one of these
foods (modern science has only studied and named about 141 of them).

Figs are full of seeds and hang in twos when they grow. Figs increase
the motility of male sperm and increase the numbers of sperm as well to
overcome male sterility.

Sweet Potatoes look like the pancreas and actually balance the glycemic
index of diabetics.

Olives assist the health and function of the ovaries.

Grapefruits, Oranges , and other citrus fruits look just like the
mammary glands of the female and actually assist the health of the
breasts and the movement of lymph in and out of the breasts.

Onions look like body cells. Today's research shows that onions help
clear waste materials from all of the body cells They even produce
tears which wash the epithelial layers of the eyes.

"The news isn't that fruits and vegetables are good for you, it's that
they are so good for you, they can save your life."

David Bjerklie, TIME Magazine
Dry Brushing For Detoxification
With these cold winter mornings, you may be tempted to reach for coffee. An alternative routine before you shower or bathe is dry brushing. This treatment will stimulate, rejuvenate, and detoxify you without the negative side effects of getting a buzz or dehydrating the body.

Dry brushing encourages skin renewal, stimulates the lymphatic system (nervous, immune, and digestive), stimulates blood circulation, and aids in removal of accumulated toxins. Follow a dry brushing by immersion in water to assist in the removal of dead skin and to continue the detoxification process.

This treatment is especially important if your daily routine involves long hours of sitting at a desk, driving or standing in one position, all of which can lead to stagnation. Detoxification is an important part of maintaining our overall health and vitality. Encouraging regular detoxification through various methods of dry brushing is part of traditional systems of medicine worldwide.

Tools For Dry Brushing
A natural bristled brush or gloves (silk or woven natural herb). Remember that whatever you’re using, you’re placing it on your skin, so make sure it is natural and remains clean between uses.

How to Dry Brush• The lymphatic system returns fluid and materials to the heart, so brushing in the direction of the heart supports lymphatic system detoxification.
• Using firm, but not forceful, vigorous motions, begin at your feet and brush your way up your body.
• Use circular motions around thighs, buttocks, abdominal area and around your joints.
• Long areas of your legs and arms, stroke upwards towards your heart.
• Brush vigorously around areas that need more stimulation, such as the backs of thighs or the buttocks.

There has been a lot of confusion about the situation in California and
several members emailed us after contacting the California Assembly
Appropriations Committee, in response to our last update, to tell us that
the favorable raw milk bill AB 1604 was not on the docket as we had

Unbeknownst to us, Assemblywoman Parra, the sponsor of AB 1604, pulled the
bill before it went to the Appropriations Committee. Nicole got the message
that the bill would be defeated because of the concerted backdoor effort by
Big Dairy and the medical society lobby interests.

AB 1604 is now dead and AB 1735, which stipulates a virtually un-achievable
coliform level, remains in full force and effect. However, Nicole Parra has
formed a "blue ribbon" panel to research the issue of raw milk coliforms and
pathogens and it sounds like it will be stacked with pro-raw milk advocates
and scientists. The blue ribbon committee will then make a recommendation
to the Assembly Agriculture Committee about standards for a new raw milk
bill that will protect California raw milk producers and consumers.

After 600 passionate raw milk consumers filled the assembly Ag Committee
chambers, AB 1604 standards became a political "hot button." In order to
pass the Assembly and the Senate, more research needed to be done. Nicole
Parra has promised to introduce a raw milk bill that incorporates the
recommendations of the blue ribbon committee.

Meanwhile, the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CFDA) came out
to Organic Pastures last week on January 24th and pulled a sample from the
bulk tank and from a bottle. The dairy met the bacteria limit in the bulk
tank with an SPC of 2000 and coliforms of 8 but failed the test at the
bottle. However, some of the samples they took from creamery inventory were
from older "returned" product that was intended to be fed to their calves.
Even though the calf milk area is labeled as such, the creamery is now
locking that product behind a chain link cage to prohibit this from
happening again.

The Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund is preparing legal action in the
light of these developments. We will keep you posted as events unfold.

Raw milk continues to be sold from both Claravale and Organic Pastures
Dairy. The next possible CDFA test will occur in late February. The
important thing to understand is that a producer must fail three out of five
tests. And then...a degrade just stops production for less than two days.
During that period, test samples can then clear the milk for continued sales
and then the producer is back to the clean plate of zero out of five and can
fail another three times and that takes another three months. What is
happening is a game of bacterial cat and mouse with your food. It is
harassment of your California raw milk producers. Coliforms are beneficial
bacteria and the tests mean literally nothing except to confirm that we are
being harassed.

This is a fight that will take time to win right. More to come very soon.