How Healthy is our Childs Lunch?

by Tye Dwyer

What can we do?

High carb snacks that our bodies turn to sugar are addictive. The fast food giants know this, so they spend thousand of dollars to test chemicals that enhance junk food. This creates even more of a mental and physical addiction to their food. The brain remembers “oooh, that felt good,” even though we can become hyped up, and then drop low after the surge of carbs. I like to relate it to a heroin user trying kick the habit of its use. Coming down off the drug feels awful, but the brain wants more; it doesn’t remember the bad of the come-down, only that it felt good when high.

So we make attempts to win this war against addictive carbs. We pack our kids a healthy lunch of a protein, vegetables and complex carbs. The question we all ask then is -- will they eat it, or trade it, or throw it away? Can they stand the finger pointing of the peers saying, “Eew, what’s that you’re eating?”

Are we doomed, fighting a war we can never win? When our children eat these empty foods, their bodies have to sacrifice their own stored nutrients to digest and assimilate them, leaving them more nutrient-starved than before they ate the junk. The fast food giants know this too. Think about it. How many apples can you eat before your body says, I’ve had enough; then think, how many potato chips can you eat? That’s why you can’t eat just one Lay’s potato chip!

Some parents may think, I can substitute juice for soda, and a snack pack for chips. But is this helping? Some juices are just as high in sugar as soda. Snack packs and other processed foods have trans fats that can harm brain function and development. The FDA is aware of the negative impact of trans fats, and we now have a law requiring food labels to list the amount of trans fats found in the product. Don’t be fooled, though -- if you read “0” trans fats, it may not really be so. If a product has below .5% of trans fats, it’s not required to list it; thus the “0” claim is allowable. Read the ingredients, and look for “partially hydrogenated.” Also, the fast food giants make the serving size smaller so they don’t have to list the trans fats. Clever!

The good news is -- I have found a way to fight back! We can make sure our kids have a fighting chance and are getting the nutrients they need by supplementing their diets. You see, our bodies are made up of water and minerals; take away the water and what’s left? -- minerals. Because we are predominantly made of minerals, our bodies’ need for them is large. The more we deplete them, the more we crave foods. Most of us, especially our kids, often don’t have enough food choices around us to choose nutrient-rich foods. Years ago I read a study done with a dozen of pre-school children. For one month during the day they were allowed to make their own food choices. They had a large array of options, from junk to nutrient-rich. Scientists recorded the choices they made. What they found was, when left to their own, the children at first chose some junk, but then balanced it out with nutrient-rich foods.

We must address minerals first because that is what we are made of, and we can’t assimilate vitamins without minerals. When our bodies are deficient in minerals, we crave salt; on a yin and yang scale the opposite of salt is sugar. So if we make sure our kids are getting enough of their minerals we can have a fighting chance. Not all minerals are created equal; you want a complete range of minerals in the right proportion and balance that our bodies need. Using a product with a high amount of one mineral over another causes the body to pull from its mineral reserves to assimilate it. Looks for whole food nutrients.

Whole Food Nutrients Verses Synthetics

by: Courtney Dwyer
I must start by saying that it is a privilege and an honor to get to be around a wealth of knowledge and insight on health and nutrition as I am at The Fountain of Health. It is also a privilege to get to share that information with you, our Fountain of Health family.

More people are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of whole foods and whole food nutrients as part of disease prevention and health. This weekend I had the opportunity to take a class on vitamins and I heard an analogy that gave me an “ah ha!” Sometimes a certain nutrient is promoted so much that it may be thought of as the only component to a healthy immune system. This may be said of ascorbic acid, for instance -- commonly known as vitamin C. Turns out, immune system health is not dependent on only one nutrient. It’s like with a team sport. There’s that one player who is the MVP, who helps the most in getting the team to a victory -- like the star quarterback for your favorite football team. Everyone knows his name; he’s praised for all the great plays and points scored. But let’s see him go out on that field and play the game BY HIMSELF. The quarterback knows it’s impossible for him to do what he does without the rest of the team. That is exactly the way whole food nutrients work! Doesn’t that make so much sense! I could hear myself say “Oh!” when I heard that analogy.

There are so many variables and components of food that make it vital to the body for health. That’s why its food! Scientists may identify the component that seems to play the biggest role in some mechanism in the body, but it’s not just about the one component. Once they isolate it and supplement with just that nutrient, the results aren’t the same! I will always remember my dad saying, “If you’re coming down with something and you want to get more vitamin C into your body to support your immune system, EAT AN ORANGE! Don’t take a synthetic (like EmergenC)! You are way better off eating the orange.” (wise man, my dad)

The bottom line that I learned from this seminar on vitamins is that EVERYTHING EFFECTS EVERYTHING ELSE when it comes to your body. The best way to handle health and disease prevention is by eating whole foods. That is ideal. If you can’t eat whole foods all the time, and we all know life happens, then support the body with whole food nutrients. Whole food nutrients aren’t at GNC, the drug store, or sometimes not even in the health food stores. If you look at the back of the supplement bottle and you can’t pronounce most of the ingredients, they’re not whole food nutrients. Keep looking. Your body will appreciate the FOOD! Eat like you’re following the color pallet of a rainbow. (And I don’t mean the colorful boxes of packaged foods.)

There are so many factors in whole foods that we currently aren’t able to identify exactly how they work, but they work together in a beautiful package created by nature. Bring your lunch to work, make your dinner at home, don’t forget breakfast! Support your farmers markets year round. Eat whole food and use whole foods supplements. We carry Standard Process Whole Food Nutrients.

Liver Cleansing - Yikes!

by Eve Mayer
We have all heard about liver cleansing and somehow we are all drawn to it. Instinctively, we know it is good for us – yet when we read the protocol, most of us shy away. Maybe some of us have braved a harsh cleanse once or twice. What if I told you we could clean the liver and gallbladder gently, without the harshness of Epsom salts and all of the purging? Would you be interested?

For your information, the liver is the power plant of the body. It is responsible for two major functions: 1) feeding the body: nutrients, enzymes and hormones; and 2) cleaning the body: removing cellular debris and breaking down toxins (organic and inorganic). Our bodies have a mere 60 to100 trillion cells! Every disease can be traced back to the liver. That’s pretty powerful stuff. It makes sense to me because it’s such a powerful organ. The liver is the only organ in the human body that can regenerate! During a liver transplant, surgeons attach a lobe of your liver to the recipient -- and it grows into a new liver. Your own liver then re-grows into a normal size again too. AMAZING, don’t you think. It takes a lot to kill it, but once you’ve killed it, you’re done for. No getting around it. Taking care of this amazing organ is a good idea.

I’ve done a lot of reading on the liver and cleansing. Most of the books say that excess protein is the cause of all our liver troubles and that we should all be vegetarians. I don’t agree. Let me state my case and you can decide. Of course I want you to eat tons of vegetables, but I also believe we need meat, organic, free range meat. I see what often happens to vegetarians’ bodies; they age prematurely, and no, I don’t want to get into that whole argument. Do what you want. I’m talking about the liver cleanse and what is going on inside the liver.

When humans were created how many toxins were on the planet??? Not many. We occasionally had to deal with something toxic. Let’s just go back 150 years; how many man-made chemicals were on this beautiful planet? Again, not many. There are now over 100,000 man-made chemicals on the books and counting! Let that sink in for just a little moment. Is your head around that number yet? Okay, let’s go on a plane ride. You drive into the airport; have you smelled jet fuel yet? You will. When you sit on the plane you will be soaking up flame retardant. Mmm, sounds good, my liver just loves a meal of jet fuel and flame retardant. Not to mention the chemicals I don’t even know about. All kidding aside, let’s walk through the body’s process to deal with these offenders.

The body has two different detoxification processes, Phase 1 and Phase 2. Phase 1 takes care of the simple things; it’s like the body taking the garbage out to the curb. Phase 2 is a little more involved. Let’s go back to the airport. You breathed in jet fuel and sat in flame retardant. Both of these are man made chemicals. The liver has to turn on its chemical plant and try to break down these inorganic chemicals into something that it can recognize, like an organic substance.

Here’s the amazing part: during this part of the operation the chemicals almost always become more volatile than the original substance. Scary! The reason the body is trying to break down and turn the inorganic substance into an organic substance is so it can break that substance down into something completely harmless and then send it on its way through the digestive tract. When the liver can’t break down a chemical into an organic substance it can understand, it does something wonderful. It says, this chemical will harm my human, and I have to protect her/him; so, it wraps the offending substance in cholesterol and packs it into the liver. Fantastic!

I think this was a perfect solution when we were first created and there were hardly any toxins on the planet, wouldn’t you say? We have to take responsibility for the way things are in our lives. We live in this time, not 150+ years ago when things were more pristine. Chemicals are here and we have to help our livers get rid of the toxins this beautiful organ has so graciously protected us from. The liver has only been doing its job and doing a damn good job at that. We can clean the liver and gallbladder. You can do it the week-long Epsom salts and flush method, or a gentler method I’ve developed. It’s inexpensive and easy. Call the front desk for information.

As always I encourage you to do your own research.

Live to be healthy, happy and make your world a better place.