We Are All Powerful

Have you ever noticed a difference in your emotions when you think of interacting with different people? Does the thought of sharing a problem or even good news with a certain individual make you nervous or anxious while with another person you are excited to share? Lately I have become aware of another aspect of how the people we choose to surround ourselves with can affect us in our moments of challenge or celebration.

There are certain people who try to steal your power. They are those people that focus on the negative. When you present an issue, they tend to find even more aspects to worry about and invalidate your ability to manage the situation. Or when you are happy about something they find the negative side and try to bring you down. I do not believe this is the intention of the person -- it’s just where they are vibrating. There feel there is safety in numbers, and if they are vibrating at a low energy they want to recruit you to join then, stealing your power in the process.

There are certain people who try to give you their power. They have a difficult time being around others who are in pain or conflict of any sort. They are the people that try to motivate you by telling their stories or reasons to focus on the good. They tend to try to empower you by giving you their energy. However, this high will only last a certain amount of time and then it will diminish. It is only your own energy that is able to keep you empowered.

There are certain people who try to help you find your power. These are the people that see you for who you are and acknowledge all of your abilities. They hold a safe space for you to explore your emotions and thoughts without the influence of their own. They stay neutral and validate your capabilities while always speaking the truth and asking questions to help you reflect. These are people you know will be honest with you and who believe in you. They are a gift.

The reverse always applies. Take a moment to reflect and think about how you affect those around you. Do you focus on the negative and become envious when someone is celebrating life? Do you want people around you to be happy always and invade their space, filling it with your energy regardless of whether or not it is truthful? Or do you stop and take time to be in the present with your friend and create a space for honesty without judgment?

We are all powerful. Let’s always help each other live in our own authentic power!

Swin Flue...Everyone Run For Cover

It’s remarkable how things go in circles. I have been reading about Poliomyelitis (Polio). A virus is a virus is a virus. When Polio was first around, it was considered a flu virus, nothing to be concerned about. The only people who truly got sick and showed the “true” symptoms were the very weak, the very old, or the very sick. The Polio virus presents itself much like any flu virus. Here are the symptoms, you be the judge:

• General Discomfort
• Headache
• Red throat
• Slight fever
• Sore throat
• Vomiting

These symptoms generally last for 72 hours, then you bounce back and go on about your business. BUT…if your immune system is compromised, or you are weak or malnourished, your symptoms are probably going to keep getting worse. Your central nervous system is going to start being affected -- the brain and spinal cord. These symptoms, just to name a few would include:

• Back pain (stiffness)
• Neck pain (stiffness)
• Muscle pain (tenderness to touch)
• Headache
• Breathing difficulty
• Constipation
• Irritability or poor temper control
• The patient goes down hill pretty rapidly from a normal flu virus.

The question has always been: why does one seemingly healthy person get sick and die and the other seemingly healthy person hardly gets sick at all? A lot of the news articles that have been written called the Polio virus “The Middle Class Epidemic.” Why is this? We believe it is a lack of nutrition. The first epidemics occurred in Vienna in 1840, coinciding with the advent of the flour mill in Vienna in 1839. This mill degerminated flour, making white flour. Approximately one year later was the first Polio Epidemic! The mill was brought to the United States in 1912. The head of the USDA/FDA, Dr. Wiley, confiscated the trainload of flour and burned it, and took the mill to court. Well, the government fired him and hired a new man (I can’t remember his name, but he was the former president of Pillsbury. Isn’t that a little like the fox watching the hen house? ) Anyway, they introduced white, bleached flour to the American public and about 1 year later….oh you’re so smart…you guessed it, a major Polio outbreak! (1916) 69,000 people died.

According to Dr. Royal Lee, we need the germ on the outside of grain. It provides us with very important nutrients that keep us healthy and strong, like vitamin B-1. So, back to the term. “A Middle Class Epidemic”-- what does that mean? The speculation is, and I have to agree, the middle class was able to buy all of the newfangled refined foods that resulted in them becoming nutritionally deficient. The poor people were still eating the foods out of their gardens, drinking the milk from the cow in their barn, making their own butter, raising their own chickens, eating those glorious golden yoked eggs, eating fresh baked bread from freshly ground grain… Those poor people couldn’t afford to eat the refined white sugar, refined white flour, corn syrup and man-made hydrogenated fat.

So, what do you think you should be doing when it comes to this new Swine flu virus? Run scared -- or eat right? Hmm. Allow me to suggest two very simple nutrients: Catalyn and Tuna Omega. Just take a couple of each every day. They are nutritional powerhouses!


You may be familiar with Chlorella, but let me shed a little light on it anyway.
Chlorella is a green algae that has been used in Japan for years. Chlorella’s most popular attribute is the way it helps detoxify the body by binding to heavy metals to help the body get rid of them. But Chlorella does so much more than that.
Chlorella is largely composed of chlorophyll, a chemical that gives plants their green color. Why does chlorophyll matter? Because chlorophyll is very similar in composition to our blood and therefore is very beneficial in helping our blood be healthy and efficient in transporting oxygen.
Several studies have been done in Japan on the benefits of Chlorella, and our grandfather of nutrition and holistic health, Dr. Bernard Jensen, was a huge advocate of Chlorella all the way back in the 1950s. The Japanese studies showed that chlorophyll is effective in detoxifying the liver and bloodstream as well as cleansing the bowels and feeding the good bacteria. Chlorella improves elimination in all four of the elimination channels -- skin, kidneys, lungs, and bowels – and improved elimination is key to detoxification.
“One of the first things we find about chlorella is that it stimulates and normalizes an under-active bowel. Dr. Motomichi Kobayashi, director of a hospital in Takamatsu, Japan, prescribes chlorella for all his patients who are troubled with constipation…. In 1957, Dr. Takechi and his associates in Japan found out that chlorella promoted rapid growth of lactobacillus, one of the bacteria that promotes colon health. The chlorophyll in chlorella helps keep the bowel clean, while the tough cellulose membrane of chlorella binds to cadmium, lead, and other heavy metals and carries them out of the body… chlorella restores bowel regularity, normalizes beneficial bowel flora, assists in detoxifying the bowel and stimulates repair of damaged tissue.” (Naturalways)
This single-celled being is rich in nutrients, containing Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E, folic acid, PABA, inositol, Vitamin A, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, amino acids and proteins. “Chlorella has been used in treating hypertension, diabetes, hypoglycemia, asthma, constipation, and elevated cholesterol levels. Recent research indicates the substances in chlorella stimulate the natural immune system to protect the body from cancer.” (Dr. Bernard Jensen)
I started taking Chlorella a week ago and already I have noticed a difference in increased bowel movements. I know Eve has suggested Chlorella for clients dealing with heavy metals, yet I never realized the benefits it has for all of us. What I am most excited about is its ability to support elimination and clean the blood. But don’t take my word for it, investigate Chlorella for yourself and see what you discover. 
To Happy Health.