Hidden MSG in our Foods making us Acidic and Sick

Chronic acidic illnesses of all kinds are now appearing in astronomical rates. A recent comprehensive review found that neurological disorders have been grossly underestimated and that neurodegenerative dis-eases are reaching frightening proportions among both our youth and older populations.

Stage four inflammatory acidosis dis-eases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.), certain stage seven degenerative acidosis including all cancerous conditions (leukemia, multiple myeloma, and lymphoma) and a number of stage one and two acidosis including endocrine-related disorders, chronic fatigue, and PMS have all exploded in recent years. So, what gives? The majority of "savants" have concluded that most of these problems have an environmental cause, which means we are doing this to ourselves.

The big question is, what environmental acidic toxins are responsible? The evidence indicates that a wide assortment of lifestyle and dietary acids acting together in an additive or synergistic way cause these quasi-epidemics.

There is general agreement that a drastic change in our lifestyles and diets over the decades, with heavy doses of acidic junk foods and other acidic foods with poor nutritional content, also contributes heavily to our problems. One of the major changes has been a huge increase in the acid MSG, which is acidifying to the brain, in our diets. MSG raises the amount of the amino acid glutamate in the brain, which in high levels, can cause the fermentation and death of nerve cells.
Since many people try to avoid MSG (mono sodium glutamate), food manufacturers have disguised its presence.

We frequently see MSG hiding behind such innocent-sounding names as hydrolyzed protein, vegetable protein, soy protein isolate, soy protein concentrate, whey protein, and natural flavoring, spices, enzymes, autolyzed yeast extract, stock, broth and carrageenan,which are all acidifying to the blood and tissues.

It is important to realize that when humans eat a meal containing acidic MSG, their blood levels of potentially acidic glutamate rise 19 times to as much as 50 times higher than normal. This is sufficient to ferment and rot your brain.

For more information on MSG and its devastating effects on the body, read Sick and Tired by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young.

Combined with the excessive use of acidic vaccines, which also triggers fermentation within the brain, dietary acids can have devastating effects on brain function. This is especially true if the vaccine contains mercury, such as the acidic flu vaccine. For more information on the dangers of acidic vaccines, read A Second Thought Concerning Viruses,Vaccines and the HIV/AIDS Hypothesis, by Dr. Robert Young, found at the end of the Sick and Tired book.

Americans eat a tremendous amount of the acid sugar, especially in sweetened drinks and colas, which is also acidic to the brain. A 12-ounce cola contains 9 tablespoons of sugar and has a pH of 2.5 with an ORP of +450 mV, which is 10,000 times more acidifying to the blood and tissues then purified water. Since 1974 cola consumption has doubled, even among the elderly. Diet colas are not a solution either -- the acid aspartame found in many diet drinks is a powerful brain acid and accumulates in the brain as the acid formaldehyde.

Foods that are highly acidic and a risk factor for dis-ease are corn, peanuts, peanut oil, soy sauce,vinegar, all animal proteins, all dairy products, all sugar including natural sugar and carbohydrates like bread and pastas are also known to significantly interfere with brain function.

They can also lead to a number of health challenges, such as insomnia, anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive behavior, anger, aggressiveness, suicide, and criminal behavior.

For more information on our book, Sick and Tired, Reclaim Your Inner Terrain, and to learn more about the one sickness, one disease and one treatment go to:

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, a research scientist at the pH Miracle Living Center, "there is only one sickness and one dis-ease and that is the over-acidification of the blood then tissues due to an inverted way of living, eating and thinking. And if there is only one sickness and one dis-ease then there is only one treatment! The one treatment is to maintain the alkaline design of the body with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. It is truly that simple."

As someone that looks to improve their health we are pleased to offer you this free audio, an excerpt of a powerful two hour interview with Dr Robert O. Young and Anthony Robbins. (it is free to listen!)

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Blogger Unknown said...

It's estimated we consume about 1 teaspoon of MSG a day. I don't, because I buy NO processed foods. I know I get some, though in the Boar's Head ham we buy.

Check out this private study on aspartame


and here's the site that tells all the euphemisms used to label MSG


Thanks for letting me post

June 14, 2008 at 10:14 AM  

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