Cancer is a weak cell, What can we do to Kill it?

There are as many forms of cancer as there are ways to rid the body of it. Many different practitioners are having incredible success with stage 4 cancer patients and they are all treating them differently. So what was the common thread? I am so glad you asked. ELIMINATION!!!!!

We are going to get back to elimination but first let’s talk about cancer and the systems of the body. A cancer cell is a very weak cell and is very easy to kill. The cancer cell hates oxygen and heat. What it needs to survive is a nice cozy little environment like a “log jam,” if you will -- an area of the body that is not “flowing.” Not oxygen and blood rich. An area that is stagnant, so the weak, pathetic cancer cells can start to multiply.

The various systems of the body all must function properly for optimum health, and what we eat affects this functioning. Take the Circulatory System: Eating genetically altered foods (seedless watermelon, for example) causes mucous in the blood. It literally looks like snot in the blood. When you see that under a microscope, you wonder, where is the room for the oxygen? How is debris getting cleaned out? Well, you better have a great-functioning digestion/elimination system.

One of the worst things you can do to your Immune System is to eat hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fat. This type of fat clogs the lymph glands, challenging the digestion/elimination system. I could talk for an hour about the horrific things this type of fat does inside our bodies. DONT EAT IT! Eat organic butter.

The Nervous System is tied into fats as well. Each and every nerve is covered with a coating called a mylin sheath; this coating is essentially made up of fat. The higher the quality of fat, the higher the quality of nerve function. Additionally, when bowels get sluggish, the nerves get sluggish.

The Musculoskeletal System needs good nutrition i.e. minerals, vitamins and fats as well as great elimination. Every part of our body needs to keep open channels (flow of nutrition in and garbage out). Did you know that if you have heavy metals in your bones, your body will not give them up unless you ingest enough minerals to replace the heavy metal building blocks? The body is very wise. So you say, “Oh, I’d better take my minerals.” Then the bones will be ready to give up some of the heavy metals they have been holding on to. Do you think it might be a good idea to have an open and flowing colon as the way out for those hideous toxic metals? Ooops, you are constipated; those heavy metals just found another home.

That brings us to the Digestion/ELIMINATION System with its foundation - the colon. This is the system that keeps all of the other systems open and flowing. If your colon is backed up and not flowing properly, then slowly, slowly, the other systems start to back up. All you need is a little log jam here or a little log jam there for the pathetic cancer cell to find a cozy place to nest. That’s all it needs.

The basic premise is that the body was built to FLOW. It is the lack of flow that allows cancer to nest and grow. Courageous doctors and practitioners heal people by reinstating that flow. They get their patients to take responsibility for what they put into their bodies, like the types of fats, sugars, carbs and GMOS (Genetically Modified Foods - you will be hearing a lot more about this in the future), and put them on a healthy eating regime including lots of fresh veggies, high fiber, low carbs, NO SUGAR, and good fats. They encourage dry brushing the body to move the lymph and help the circulatory system. They treat them with whole food nutrients (after being muscle tested) and they recommend lots of sweating in either a far-infrared sauna or an oxygen sauna. And importantly, they get them eliminating effectively via colonics.

I’ll close with a quote from Dr. Bernard Jensen, “The Father” of colon hydrotherapy: “Death begins in the colon.” Well then, it only goes to reason, so does life.

Body's Alkaline Environment Keeping Cancer Away

The acid/alkaline balance as it relates to our bodies is crucial for overall health and well-being. Central to the discussion of the acid/alkaline balance is pH (potential of Hydrogen). pH ranges from 0 to 14 with 7 being neutral. The lower the pH, the higher the level of acidity. The human body is 70% water and needs to maintain a pH of the blood within a narrow range of 7.35 – 7.45 to be in balance. A balanced pH is important for proper cell function including uptake and utilization of nutrients and oxygen from the blood. In addition, enzymes are able to perform their vital functions of digestion and energy production, elimination of wastes, use of vitamins and mineral, detoxification, etc within this narrow range.

When pH is not in balance, the body is potentially vulnerable to a host of diseases. According to a May 2008 article in published by “ecancermedicalscience, “Almost all cancers have a lower pH than the surrounding tissue. Normally, the human body has a system of balancing chemicals with a low pH, acids, and chemicals with a high pH, alkalis, to maintain a constant, healthy pH level. In cancer, this balancing system is disturbed, and the tissue becomes more acidic.” In another study published by the American Association for Cancer Research, “Cells cultured at acidic pHe showed increased secretion of proteinases and proangiogenic factors, enhanced invasive and angiogenic potential, and enhanced potential to develop experimental metastases.” In his book the 80/10/10 Diet (pages 44-47), Dr. Douglas Graham notes “Cancer has been associated with an acid condition in the body. No one has established whether this acidity is a cause of the cancer, a body-generated defensive ‘effect,’ or simply an unrelated condition that accompanies the true cause) of cancer” (Graham, 2006).

While the body has internal mechanisms that work to maintain the optimal pH range (for example, borrowing minerals such as calcium from the bones in order to buffer excess acid in the bloodstream), such means of balancing pH are not conducive to the body’s overall well being. With regard to cancer, “researchers have demonstrated that when cells in a petri dish are bathed in an appropriate nutritive environment and the toxic waste products of their metabolism are efficiently removed, healthy cells result. To date, it has not been possible to cause cancer in these healthy cells no matter which carcinogens they are briefly exposed to.” While it is not possible to entirely control the “nutritive environment” of our bodies, we can control a good portion through our food and lifestyle choices.

To avoid negative impacts of the body self-regulating through borrowing from itself and developing an acidic condition, we can assist the body in maintaining pH balance through consuming a diet that has a net alkaline effect. Dr Graham states that “The mineral content of food is the primary determining factor as to whether the food produces an alkaline or an acid reaction in the body….since alkaline minerals predominate in almost all fruits, including acid fruits, it is safe to say that fruit has an alkalizing effect upon the body.” Thus the importance of raw foods, primarily fruits and greens. Dr. Graham points out that if the majority of our foods are alkaline forming, we can live in a state of balance. On the contrary, if we consume large amounts of unnatural sources of acidity (e.g. cooked proteins, heated oils, fried foods), “there is no amount of raw fruit and vegetables that can compensate” (Graham, 2006).

Science has helped us determine which foods are alkaline and which are acid forming in the body. Foods to avoid that would cause the body to be acidic include animal proteins, pasteurized dairy products, most grains (exceptions are noted below) and bread, junk food, most nuts and seeds (exceptions noted below), alcohol and cigarettes, coffee, soda, vinegar, and spices. It doesn’t end with the foods we eat, as negative emotions and stress can also cause the body to become acidic (Raw Food Doctors, 2008). Eating raw foods with their enzymes intact are crucial alkaline forming influences in the body. These include most fruits (with the exceptions of cranberries, plums and prunes), vegetables (primarily leafy greens), almonds, chestnuts, coconut, pine nuts, millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat and teff. Oxygen and deep breathing are also helpful aids for staying alkaline. Incorporating lots of raw, organic fruits and vegetables into the diet plays an important role in the bodies’ ability to stay alkaline, function optimally and create an environment that is hostile to fostering cancer growth as well as a host of other diseases.

Information in this article was taken from the Science of Raw Food Nutrition 1 taught by Drs. Rick and Karin Dina, D.C.; ecandermedicalscience, ecancer news Insider News published May 28, 2008 online at’; and the American Association for Cancer Research “Acidic Extracellular pH Promotes Experimental Metastasis of Human Melanoma Cells in Athymic Nude Mice” by Einar K. Rofstad, Berit Mathiesen, Kristil Kindem and Kanthi Galappathi, July 1, 2006 (online at, and The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas Graham (2006).