Your Body is a Machine That Can be easily Fixed
I like to think of the human body as a perfect, beautiful machine that, if fed the proper nutrients and given routine exercise and system cleanses, will provide the user with excellent service for many happy, healthy years.
When a body is in a state of “health,” the mind is reflective of that. You usually have cheerful thoughts, and things don’t get you down. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You have the ability to understand another person’s point of view without feeling overwhelmed. You are not ruled by depression, anxiety or a compulsion. You wake up in the morning with purpose; the TV no longer calls to you, “come, watch Me.” You have things to do and people to see!
When people become out of balance either from nutritional deficiency or a build-up of toxins in their human machines, they can start to have physical, mental and emotional problems. In the beginning the problems are very subtle; achiness, fatigue, heartburn, muscle cramps, soreness, PMS, mood swings, inability to think clearly, anxiety, depression.
The list of ailments is so long and varied it could take the whole article to write them. Let’s just say that a machine in less than perfect running order is a reflection of improper nutrition, improper exercise and improper system cleansing.
One or all of the above may apply. You may exercise like a mad person but fail to get proper nutrition and cleansing. You may do cleansing and not get proper nutrition. Just think of maintenance on your car: if you don’t take care of one thing it will come back to haunt you. You are a human machine.
I had a client the other day who felt that things were so bad that he was just giving up! He is 56 years old in the prime of his life. My heart broke. There is one thing that you can absolutely take as FACT. Your body is programmed to LIVE. Just try and kill it -- the animal in you will take over. Most of us will fight to the death to save ourselves. You want to live! Thank goodness. I know, I know, sometimes I say things that are shocking.
The very fact that the body is programmed to live is the greatest gift we healers have been given. Your body can tell us what it needs to make it better. GIVING UP is not a state of health, it is quite the opposite; that client’s body was screaming for help. Nutritional deficiency can and will skew a person’s thinking. Heavy metals and chemicals are notorious for causing depression, anxiety and compulsive behaviors, and let’s not forget our little friend, the parasite. Parasite poo is incredibly toxic to our minds.
The GOOD NEWS is that we can get these things out of the body. Your body doesn’t want them in there any more than you do, it just needs help.
Despite the fact that there are many heavy metal cleanses on the market, doing one on your own can cause more harm than good.
When a body is in a state of “health,” the mind is reflective of that. You usually have cheerful thoughts, and things don’t get you down. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel. You have the ability to understand another person’s point of view without feeling overwhelmed. You are not ruled by depression, anxiety or a compulsion. You wake up in the morning with purpose; the TV no longer calls to you, “come, watch Me.” You have things to do and people to see!
When people become out of balance either from nutritional deficiency or a build-up of toxins in their human machines, they can start to have physical, mental and emotional problems. In the beginning the problems are very subtle; achiness, fatigue, heartburn, muscle cramps, soreness, PMS, mood swings, inability to think clearly, anxiety, depression.
The list of ailments is so long and varied it could take the whole article to write them. Let’s just say that a machine in less than perfect running order is a reflection of improper nutrition, improper exercise and improper system cleansing.
One or all of the above may apply. You may exercise like a mad person but fail to get proper nutrition and cleansing. You may do cleansing and not get proper nutrition. Just think of maintenance on your car: if you don’t take care of one thing it will come back to haunt you. You are a human machine.
I had a client the other day who felt that things were so bad that he was just giving up! He is 56 years old in the prime of his life. My heart broke. There is one thing that you can absolutely take as FACT. Your body is programmed to LIVE. Just try and kill it -- the animal in you will take over. Most of us will fight to the death to save ourselves. You want to live! Thank goodness. I know, I know, sometimes I say things that are shocking.
The very fact that the body is programmed to live is the greatest gift we healers have been given. Your body can tell us what it needs to make it better. GIVING UP is not a state of health, it is quite the opposite; that client’s body was screaming for help. Nutritional deficiency can and will skew a person’s thinking. Heavy metals and chemicals are notorious for causing depression, anxiety and compulsive behaviors, and let’s not forget our little friend, the parasite. Parasite poo is incredibly toxic to our minds.
The GOOD NEWS is that we can get these things out of the body. Your body doesn’t want them in there any more than you do, it just needs help.
Despite the fact that there are many heavy metal cleanses on the market, doing one on your own can cause more harm than good.