What is the VIBE Machine?

The VIBE machine is an electronic device that brings the vibrational level of your body back to its natural state of being. VIBE stands for Vibrational Integrated Bio-photonic Energizer.

How does the VIBE work?
Every atom in the Universe has a frequency, whether it is a grain of sand, a piece of steel, a plant, animal or an organ in your body - each cell resonates, or vibrates, at a specific frequency or oscillation. Your body consists of a variety of atoms, which contain protons, electrons & an overall bio-electric energy that runs through it. The way you take care of your body physically, emotionally and mentally determines how many negative frequencies or toxins are being built up in it.
Generally there are four ways imbalance is created in the body. This can be from toxic substances we eat, pollution we breathe, exposure to a negative energetic environment, and how we process information in our thinking and feeling.
When a body becomes overwhelmed with toxic substances, thoughts or feelings, the positive bio-electric field is immensely lowered in vibration and frequency. In other words, our body has a higher frequency or vibration when it is healthy and a lower vibration when it is sick. You can actually test your body's vibrational level with various bio-electric counters. This can give you an indication of your body's energy level.

Healthy cells, according to Nobel prize winner Otto Warburg, have cell voltages of minus 70 to minus 90 millivolts. Due to the constant stresses of modern life and a toxic environment, cell voltage tends to drop as we age or get sick. As the voltage drops, the cells are unable to maintain a healthy environment for themselves. If the electrical charge of a cell drops below minus 50, a person can become chronically fatigued and may get sick often. If the voltage drops to minus 15, the cell becomes diseased. When the body's immune system gets overwhelmed and cannot fight an abundance of toxins and then we continue to put toxins into our bodies and minds such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, negative fear-based thoughts and heavy emotions, we can experience a physical imbalance.

The cells of a body that are being affected by a negative condition, have an oscillating rate that is lower than it was originally designed to have. After many months or years of this internal dis-harmony, our immune system can weaken and the symptoms begin to show in the form of an actual terminal physical imbalance or disease. All cells have small electrically powered pumps whose function is to bring in nourishment, and take out toxins. Imagine going into a house where the power has been turned off. The plumping wouldn't operate so the toilets wouldn't work. There would be no running water; therefore, no showers or baths could be taken and doing dishes would be impossible. The refrigerator wouldn't work so there wouldn't be any food to eat, and the food that was in there would go bad. Add to that trash strike and now trash is piling up. As you could guess, anyone living in that house would probably get sick.

One way to efficiently and safely raise cell voltages is with a device called a VIBE machine. An earlier type was invented by Georges Lakhovsky in the early 1900's. Dr. Lakhovsky discovered that healthy cells acted like little batteries and discovered how to recharge them (raise their voltages). He found that transmitting energy in the range between 750,000 hertz and 3,000,000,000 hertz raised the cell's voltage.

Dr. Lakhovsky had great results with all types of physical imbalances.
Not only was his unit able to return sick cells (and people) to health, but also those who used it regularly noticed that they rarely became sick. He proved the principle that life forms can absorb radio wave energy. The VIBE uses that principle to strengthen the healthy cells of the body, so that they can resist physical imbalances. Knowing the right frequencies and putting them out simultaneously does not necessarily destroy an infection, but we believe it charges the cell making it strong enough to resist the infection.

Similarly, everyone has been exposed to the oral variety of the herpes virus, and it lies dormant in their bodies. Only when a person is under stress does the virus flare up and show up as blisters on the lips. We carry many thousands of infections in our bodies, lying in dormant states. As long as we remain healthy (high cell voltages), these infections remain dormant. In this way, a VIBE Machine can prevent negative imbalance and stress of all kinds.
In some situations, physical disorders are not caused by infection. They are thought to be caused by toxicity and imbalanced metabolism. The VIBE may be of assistance here by helping the body detoxify, giving it enough energy to heal its chronic metabolic imbalances.

Every illness is an autoimmune illness. When your immune system cannot ward off a problem in your system in time, something fails. Your only defense is your immune system. By raising the oscillating frequency of every cell in your body, we are increasing the rate at which the immune system operates as well as eliminating the negative toxins that your body is trying to fight off. The quantum fluctuations (vibrations) that make up the memory of the cells of our body start creating different "memories." This type of frequency reprogramming allows the body to remember the natural effectiveness of the immune system and regenerate back to its original state.

What is actually inside a VIBE machine?
The device has 12 noble and inert gas tubes that are precisely positioned in a concentric ring to create a strong electromagnetic field around the machine. The gas tubes have been selected to develop specific results within the bio-photonic spectrum. Some of the tubes contain argon, krypton, and water vapor. Activated by a low power laser, it produces all the frequencies needed to resonate a higher pitch within your body. This electromagnetic field is unique; it raises the vibrational levels of your body to the highest of oscillations, where they were originally designed to be.

What can the VIBE machine do for you?
This machine is a technological breakthrough that enhances the human body by helping it reach its optimum vibration and energy levels. It has many long-term positive effects on the body, as it automatically eliminates the "unwanted vibrations" inside your body.

How long do you stand in front of the VIBE Machine?
Using it for only 30 seconds to 4 minutes 3 or more times per week, can raise your body's energetic vibration and regenerate the cells that are not vibrating properly. After using the machine for this brief amount of time, the lower vibration cells throughout your body immediately change their course of direction. They now will contain a slight new charge and begin to "reprogram" the lower frequencies in which they were previously stuck. Each time the VIBE unit vibrates these cells, it speeds up the removal of these toxins from you at an incredibly fast rate; and this frees up your immune system to fight whatever it needs to fight. It dumps the toxins from the lymph glands out of your system. It is the same for the cells of the body. Without enough energy to operate, the cells become toxic and malnourished. Then, when presented with an infectious organism they have lost the vitality to resist.

It's NICE to be NICE

I’m amazed at how quickly this year is flying by. It’s already spring and summer is just around the bend, and then it will be fall -- you get the picture. I’m always learning so much about health and wellness; I have to tell you that it all starts with your state of mind. So I just wanted to share my thoughts and observations. Who knows, maybe it will help bring about a new perspective.

The news and media: I can hardly watch it; it’s bleak, and depressing. They keep ramming home “these troubled times.” Advertisements: they are doing a great job constantly talking about how horrible everything is for everyone. You would think this is the worst time the world has ever seen. It’s not! My god! Are we, as a society, incredibly spoiled? Stop listening to the media. I mean really. I know that we are in a significant and temporary down turn. Has this happened before? Yes. Will this happen again? Yes. Is it a natural occurrence? Yes. Just like the push and pull of the tides. Do the media companies want to sell papers and generate news? Yes. Do you want to be a pawn in their game? Hmmm, this is up to each and every one of us individually and as a team. I guess what I’m trying to say is, throughout history there have been some really bad events and we have pivoted out of them.

So let’s start to keep our chins up, and look on the bright side. For example, I have been observing, quite by accident, people being nice to each other with random acts of kindness. It warms my heart. They are always small acts but they generate so much positive energy. They bring joy to the people giving and receiving as well as to any witnesses.

I was in line at the 99 Cent Store and the first person in line was purchasing an item that cost $1.99. The cashier said, “I’m sorry but the minimum purchase with an ATM Card is $5.00.” The customer said, “But this is all I want.” The woman behind him had about 8 items and she said, “I’ll buy that for you, sir.” The two of them went back and forth… oh my goodness, how kind, no problem, yada, yada. The third person in line had 2 items and she was so touched by the second woman’s generosity she said, “Excuse me, I’d like to buy all of the items please.” Everyone in the store started clapping. It filled us all with such joy to witness this small act of generosity. We are still talking about it.

Since that day I decided to open my eyes and see if people are being “nice” -- and do you know what I found? They are. It’s everywhere in the smallest ways. Someone says, “Would you like to get in front of me in line, you only have a few items,” or “You look like you’re in a hurry.” Someone stumbles and falls and people stop and help, with genuine concern. I could go on and on.

You would think that with all of this economic nastiness, people would be more uptight and uncaring in their own little worlds. I am saying that it’s just not the case, if we will only look. Let’s start looking for the kindness in strangers. Not only that, let’s start being kind. My Father’s favorite saying since I was a little girl is, “It’s nice to be nice.”

We have to change this world energetically and what better way to do it than by one kindness at a time. So, let’s follow Dad’s example; he’ll be happy that I told you. What do you know, that’s one more happy person out there. You see it’s already working!

Corn Syrup Makes us FAT

Fructose is the sugar found in fruit and is healthier to consume in a granulated form than sucrose (table sugar). However, when corn refiners pull fructose from corn starch and combine it with glucose to make liquid high fructose corn syrup, the original DNA, if you will, is dramatically altered. Fructose does not stimulate the production of insulin or leptin. Both of these hormones decrease appetite and the body’s ability to control weight. Corn syrup increases the production of gherlin, a hormone that increases hunger and appetite. There are many more side effects from HFCS, too many to list. This is a great article to check out.


It seems that high fructose corn syrup is in practically every processed product on retail shelves these days. The commercials sponsored by The Corn Refiners Association claim that HFCS has the same calories as sugar and that it is fine in moderation. Although HFCS may have the same calories as sugar, it is everywhere and in everything. Why is HFCS so popular among food manufacturers? It’s cheap, about 20% cheaper than regular sugar. It extends the shelf life of a product, mixes easily with other products, and prevents freezer burn. For manufacturers, it's all about the bottom line. You end up consuming HFCS whether you want to or not. We eat and drink 76 more calories per day just from sweeteners. This is up 19% since 1970. HFCS is even in foods that aren't normally associated with being sweet or sugary. In 2003, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) estimated that the American public consumed 79 pounds of corn-derived sweetener per year. That's gone up from 63 pounds consumed in 2001. So what? We like things sweet.

A study at Harvard School of Public Health showed that having one or more corn or sugar sweetened drinks a day dramatically increases your chance of gaining weight and developing diabetes. Soda has 13 teaspoons of HFCS in 12 ounces. Americans drink about 56 gallons per person per year. The USDA recommends that we limit our intake of sugar, including HFCS, to 10-12 teaspoons a day. Think twice before you hit up the soda machine for your midday boost or give your kids a sugary fruit juice. The fact is, the more corn syrup you consume, the more you want.


When it comes right down to it, with all the frozen foods, baked goods, and drinks we consume, we eat more sweeteners made from corn than from sugarcane or beets. Most nutritionists blame HFCS for the nation's obesity problem. They aren't blaming fat or carbs (those without HFCS). The sweetener started infiltrating food products in the 1980s, the same time the rise in obesity started -- it seems almost coincidental. HFCS has absolutely no nutritional value. It is the epitome of empty calories. Have you ever eaten a meal or snack and ended up being hungry 10-20 minutes later? Not only does HFCS not lend us any nutrition, the body processes the fructose in HFCS differently than it does old-fashioned cane or beet sugar; this in turn alters the way our metabolic-regulating hormones function. It also forces the liver to kick more fat out into the bloodstream, making us want to eat more while storing fat. In conclusion: the Food Giants love corn syrup because the product will last longer on the shelf, and the more we eat the more we want. Basically their bottom line gets larger -- and so does ours.

My Brain Health

by Courtney Dwyer
Being a student, loving to learn new things about health and vitality and about the human body, my brain is super important to me! I am very aware when I’m not as focused or clear in my thinking, and when my energy is low and I’m not as motivated. I know how to improve my mental clarity with nutrition and diet, but I recently became aware of another piece to the puzzle of good health.

While on vacation up in beautiful Washington and Oregon, I stopped off at Powell Books to gather more information. I discovered a book written by a neurological doctor specifically about the brain, and the blip on the back cover absolutely enthralled me.

The first thing the doctor mentions to improve mental clarity, or to age gracefully cognitively if you will, is exercise! Now you may be thinking, well duh! That makes sense. But I never really understood the importance it has.

The doctor compared two men that he came across while watching television several years back. They were the same age, 80 years old, but there was a HUGE difference between them. The first man was in a care home, sitting in a wheel chair just staring out into space, pretty much waiting to die. The second man was Jack La Lanne. If you don’t recognize the name right away, this man swam across a river while towing seven boats -- with people on them! He is the man that sells juicers on infomercials and has the stamina and quick-wittedness of a 20 year old! What could have resulted in the big difference between these two men of the same age? Well, Jack was a fitness guru, a real authentic muscle man; he was even said to be the creator of the infamous “jumping jack.” There was no information about the physical activity level of the first man, but it seems likely that exercise was a key factor.

The author goes on to mention another doctor who studied school children and physical activity. Children who were more sedentary had anti-social behaviors, were more likely to act out in class, and had lower test scores. Children who were more active had less anti-social behavior, almost no acting out, and higher test scores!

It’s just simple anatomy as to why it works. The more you exercise, the more blood gets to your brain, feeding your brain! And the brain requires a lot of energy -- it uses 20% of the nutrients from the food you eat and requires a lot of oxygen from your blood!

The doctor explains another aspect of brain activity and exercise. It seems psychologists have been using exercise as part of treatment for people suffering from severe depression and severe anxiety! Some even prescribe an exercise routine instead of medication because of the amount of neurotransmitters produced, like endorphins, from exercise!

What’s awesome is that it doesn’t take that much extra physical activity to improve brain function. Even just taking a walk two days a week will improve brain function. It’s prevention! Do you want to age gracefully cognitively? Studies have shown that exercise prevents dementia and Alzheimer’s by almost 60%!

For me, if I want to continue learning and absorbing what I learn about health and nutrition, exercise is going to be a definite part of my daily life from now on. Riding my bike to work, taking up some Yoga from Megan here at The Fountain of Health, and jumping on my mini trampoline are all on the agenda!

I postulate for you healthy eating, exercise, and peace of mind.