Swin Flue...Everyone Run For Cover

It’s remarkable how things go in circles. I have been reading about Poliomyelitis (Polio). A virus is a virus is a virus. When Polio was first around, it was considered a flu virus, nothing to be concerned about. The only people who truly got sick and showed the “true” symptoms were the very weak, the very old, or the very sick. The Polio virus presents itself much like any flu virus. Here are the symptoms, you be the judge:

• General Discomfort
• Headache
• Red throat
• Slight fever
• Sore throat
• Vomiting

These symptoms generally last for 72 hours, then you bounce back and go on about your business. BUT…if your immune system is compromised, or you are weak or malnourished, your symptoms are probably going to keep getting worse. Your central nervous system is going to start being affected -- the brain and spinal cord. These symptoms, just to name a few would include:

• Back pain (stiffness)
• Neck pain (stiffness)
• Muscle pain (tenderness to touch)
• Headache
• Breathing difficulty
• Constipation
• Irritability or poor temper control
• The patient goes down hill pretty rapidly from a normal flu virus.

The question has always been: why does one seemingly healthy person get sick and die and the other seemingly healthy person hardly gets sick at all? A lot of the news articles that have been written called the Polio virus “The Middle Class Epidemic.” Why is this? We believe it is a lack of nutrition. The first epidemics occurred in Vienna in 1840, coinciding with the advent of the flour mill in Vienna in 1839. This mill degerminated flour, making white flour. Approximately one year later was the first Polio Epidemic! The mill was brought to the United States in 1912. The head of the USDA/FDA, Dr. Wiley, confiscated the trainload of flour and burned it, and took the mill to court. Well, the government fired him and hired a new man (I can’t remember his name, but he was the former president of Pillsbury. Isn’t that a little like the fox watching the hen house? ) Anyway, they introduced white, bleached flour to the American public and about 1 year later….oh you’re so smart…you guessed it, a major Polio outbreak! (1916) 69,000 people died.

According to Dr. Royal Lee, we need the germ on the outside of grain. It provides us with very important nutrients that keep us healthy and strong, like vitamin B-1. So, back to the term. “A Middle Class Epidemic”-- what does that mean? The speculation is, and I have to agree, the middle class was able to buy all of the newfangled refined foods that resulted in them becoming nutritionally deficient. The poor people were still eating the foods out of their gardens, drinking the milk from the cow in their barn, making their own butter, raising their own chickens, eating those glorious golden yoked eggs, eating fresh baked bread from freshly ground grain… Those poor people couldn’t afford to eat the refined white sugar, refined white flour, corn syrup and man-made hydrogenated fat.

So, what do you think you should be doing when it comes to this new Swine flu virus? Run scared -- or eat right? Hmm. Allow me to suggest two very simple nutrients: Catalyn and Tuna Omega. Just take a couple of each every day. They are nutritional powerhouses!


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