You Need Good Fat to Burn Fat
Two things happened this last month that made my heart sing. When you are in the kind of business we’re in sometimes you feel as if you are forever swimming against the current. The traditional medical establishment is pretty much at odds with what we teach day in and day out. They say don’t eat fat, we say eat fat; as a matter of fact, we say eat organic butter and basically as much as you want. The list of ways we differ goes on and on.
We are constantly teaching clients to rethink their food choices and go back to the way we ate in a simpler time, before manufacturing got into the picture and big money became the FDA’s reason for pointing all of America into this direction and that, like “don’t eat saturated fat, it causes heart disease.” They neglected to tell us that the ONE study done on PURE saturated fat was on -- Yes, you guessed it -- their very own trans fat “CRISCO.” It does cause heart disease! But there were hundreds of other studies done on butter, which is NOT a purely saturated fat. Our bodies know exactly what to do with this wonderful fat. As a matter of fact, the fuel our heart uses is saturated fat! At the turn of the century there was NO -- I repeat NO -- heart disease. I could go on for hours about the horrible effects manufacturing has had on our health. I think you can tell I get a little passionate. But, let me get back to my original, heart singing story.
At the beginning of last month or thereabouts I was watching Good Morning America and one of the morning hosts was on a diet. He had been exercising and watching what he ate and as he described the food he was eating to lose weight he talked about increasing vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and his intake of good fats like butter! The other hosts all said “What!????” He said, “I know, I know, but, you need good fat to burn fat!” This said on national television. I screamed with joy.
Then last week, again on Good Morning America , a doctor was talking about diabetes and diet. I was thinking, “Here we go again.” Was I ever pleasantly surprised. She recommended a completely old school diet. Get away from all packaged foods, stay away from all artificial sweeteners! Isn’t the artificial sweetener made for the diabetic? This woman was really making a stand and on NATIONAL TELEVISION! I was so happy. My daughter was sitting next to me, we both had our jaws dropped open and we turned towards each other. We couldn’t believe that a real doctor was on national TV expressing what we talk about day in and day out. Maybe a shift is starting to happen.
We believe you should eat as close to nature as you possibly can, with the food you’re going to eat being touched by man the least amount of times possible. If you can afford to buy all organic food, that’s great. If not, here is the order of importance for buying organic for your family.
1. Butter and milk (toxins are stored in the fat)
2. Meat (best to buy grass fed, free range)
3. Vegetables and grains
The thing about spending the money on the butter, milk and meat is you can’t clean these items. A free range cow eating healthy grass will have healthy milk and butter. And they’re usually raised by healthy people, too.
We are constantly teaching clients to rethink their food choices and go back to the way we ate in a simpler time, before manufacturing got into the picture and big money became the FDA’s reason for pointing all of America into this direction and that, like “don’t eat saturated fat, it causes heart disease.” They neglected to tell us that the ONE study done on PURE saturated fat was on -- Yes, you guessed it -- their very own trans fat “CRISCO.” It does cause heart disease! But there were hundreds of other studies done on butter, which is NOT a purely saturated fat. Our bodies know exactly what to do with this wonderful fat. As a matter of fact, the fuel our heart uses is saturated fat! At the turn of the century there was NO -- I repeat NO -- heart disease. I could go on for hours about the horrible effects manufacturing has had on our health. I think you can tell I get a little passionate. But, let me get back to my original, heart singing story.
At the beginning of last month or thereabouts I was watching Good Morning America and one of the morning hosts was on a diet. He had been exercising and watching what he ate and as he described the food he was eating to lose weight he talked about increasing vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and his intake of good fats like butter! The other hosts all said “What!????” He said, “I know, I know, but, you need good fat to burn fat!” This said on national television. I screamed with joy.
Then last week, again on Good Morning America , a doctor was talking about diabetes and diet. I was thinking, “Here we go again.” Was I ever pleasantly surprised. She recommended a completely old school diet. Get away from all packaged foods, stay away from all artificial sweeteners! Isn’t the artificial sweetener made for the diabetic? This woman was really making a stand and on NATIONAL TELEVISION! I was so happy. My daughter was sitting next to me, we both had our jaws dropped open and we turned towards each other. We couldn’t believe that a real doctor was on national TV expressing what we talk about day in and day out. Maybe a shift is starting to happen.
We believe you should eat as close to nature as you possibly can, with the food you’re going to eat being touched by man the least amount of times possible. If you can afford to buy all organic food, that’s great. If not, here is the order of importance for buying organic for your family.
1. Butter and milk (toxins are stored in the fat)
2. Meat (best to buy grass fed, free range)
3. Vegetables and grains
The thing about spending the money on the butter, milk and meat is you can’t clean these items. A free range cow eating healthy grass will have healthy milk and butter. And they’re usually raised by healthy people, too.
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